If you went to middle school, you know the feeling you get when Rihanna’s “Umbrella” comes on. Maybe you’re in a fraternity and you feel your Keystone Light-infused blood jump in excitement when someone plays “God’s Plan” on the aux? That’s what I feel when I hear Moose Blood’s “Bukowski.”

To be completely honest, I haven’t listened to the band since my golden emo years, but once I saw that the UK-based old time favorite of mine was coming to San Francisco, I knew I had to make it to Slim’s. The second I walked into the venue I felt a rush of adrenaline as I looked around and saw countless other like minded fans (like minded in the sense that we all frequented Hot Topic and went through a heavy All Time Low phase at some point — it’s nothing to be ashamed of).

When you see a band you really care (or cared) about, you don’t need to know the words to every song to have a good time. I hadn’t listened to Moose Blood’s new album before the show, but I still had a fun time pretending to sing along. I ran into a few people from my high school and had to uncomfortably catch up, but it didn’t dampen my mood, because I was there to see Moose Blood. My friend ditched me halfway through their set, but I cried to “Cherry” with the random girl next to me — that’s the power of Moose Blood.

Moose Blood’s music once held a special place in my heart, and it’s priceless to see a band that can transport you back to your (I <3 Boobies bracelet, TWLOA bracelet, band tee ridden) youth with just the stroke of a few chords.

Written by Rosie Davidowitz

Photos by Brieanna Basegio

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