Environmentalism, sick bike tricks, and a solar-powered trailer: an interview with Trapdoor Social Michelle Castillo May 26, 2019 Interview Trapdoor Social was founded by two college students who wanted to spread their message of environmentalism and making a change through music. Since their creation they have created their own solar festival call...
Local artist on the rise: an interview with Kaden Michelle Castillo May 10, 2019 Interview Los Angeles native and current UC Berkeley student Kaden has already made his mark in the Bay Area music scene. From learning the piano at a young age to joining the School House Rock program to producing his o...
Silencing female rappers Michelle Castillo May 8, 2019 Columns and Opinions Cupcakke, the beloved female rapper known for making sexually explicit songs, unafraid to be herself in music and on social media, was recently silenced by YouTube, as her latest song, "Squidward's Nose," does ...
The good, the bad, and the dirty: What does your Tinder Anthem say about you? Michelle Castillo March 22, 2019 Columns and Opinions What is in a song choice that makes it so sweet? Is it the rhythm, the movement you feel as you dance to it in your messy room? Is it the memory that it gives you of the night you spent with your first crush? T...
I’m a sucker for the new Jonas Brothers single: the latest release after a six year hiatus Michelle Castillo March 3, 2019 News The highly anticipated new single “Sucker” by the Jonas Brothers has many long-time fans feeling reminiscent of their elementary and middle school days. The last time the band released any mus...