On their first major tour, Day Wave brought their eclectic sound to the Echo in Los Angeles. The Oakland-based group, led by frontman Jackson Philips, has recently received acclaim for their latest EP Hard to R...
Last Friday night, Rogue Wave and Floating Action performed at Los Angeles's Teragram Ballroom.
Floating Action, hailing from North Carolina, displayed their lo-fi indie folk-rock style through their two gu...
After first stumbling upon BRONCHO a few months ago I was excited to see they would be on tour in my hometown. The Teragram Ballroom, located on the edge of downtown Los Angeles can be described as a more intim...
“Do you need a reason we should commit treason and bring into this world a son?” Andrew Bird asks on “Valleys of the Young,” the penultimate track on his newest LP, Are You Serious, out last week via ...
The night of December 10 teased Los Angeles with light rain and black clouds. For those about the streets clear skies returned around eight. Those awaiting inside Club Nokia for Inglewood native and jazz prodig...