Ever wondered what that kid walking passed you is listening to through their earphones? Here's what some Berkeley students are listening to as they stroll through campus:
Hayley: J. Cole - "St. Tropez...
In high school perhaps you knew a friend or acquaintance in a band and made the pilgrimage to the local all ages venue, got your hands X'ed and swayed alongside your classmates. Maybe you even had your own band...
This past weekend I had a conversation with a former B-Side contributor about the merits of my favorite fruitless activity: compiling my coveted year-end albums list. As someone who takes this pointless endea...
2016 is nearly over, and with the conclusion of the year come the myriad human attempts to quantitatively evaluate the last three-hundred sixty-five days through year-end and best-of lists and rankings. Conti...
The enigmatic Frank Ocean rewrote the book on R&B with his landmark second album, 2012’s Channel Orange, and the anticipation surrounding his latest release has been bordering on sensational. Ultimately, ...