It is officially finals season here at UC Berkeley, and sometimes it seems the only thing tougher than finding a free seat in one of Berkeley’s twenty-seven libraries is choosing the soundtrack to your study session. There’s so much good music to listen to and so many assignments to get done that it can feel overwhelming even finding a place to start! Lucky for you, I’ve assembled a list that matches the perfect study soundtrack with some of the most popular spots on campus. Now you can study with one less stressor!
Doe Library

Doe Library – RPJ Designs
The oldest library on campus, Doe Library is the quintessential Berkeley study spot. Students cannot help but feel in awe of the building’s majesty while sitting in its spacious, open reading rooms. It’s the perfect place to romanticize the academic rigor of the number one public university in the world. With all the hype surrounding the school, and the many cameos of campus on the silver screen, I suggest checking out movie scores when you study at Doe. If you like to bring a little magic to your studies, try the Harry Potter soundtrack. The Interstellar (2014) soundtrack is perfect if you need to intensify your study session with a little Hans Zimmer. I promise you, movie scores in Doe are the perfect way to romanticize your time at Berkeley while trying to forget the twelve-page paper you have due the next day.

Morrison Library
Morrison Library
This quiet reading room on the first floor of Doe is one of the best spots to hole up for a couple hours and catch up on all the readings you’ve been skimming all semester. If you can, grab one of the comfortable couches near the windows, and turn on some classical piano. The smooth tone of a piano warms the already-cozy room. Franz Liszt and Claude Debussy are great for their timelessness, but be sure to check out contemporary composers Gabriel Olaf and The Vernon Spring for some fresh pieces. If you’re bold enough, you can also throw on a record from the vinyl collection in the library for everyone to enjoy!
Main Stacks
If your go-to place to study is deep in the bowels of Main Stacks, you probably “enjoy” throwing yourself into your coursework for hours at a time. Remember to come up for breath every once in a while to eat something and take a shower! That being said, I suggest you turn on some strong EDM to help you get into the mood during your days-long cramming session. If constant energy is what you need, try turning on a DJ set to give you the intense focus needed to get through any massive project; the constant noise will keep you engaged, and you never have to worry about disrupting your flow state to choose another song. Check out artists BLOND:ISH or Maz for some fun beats that will keep you in the zone without losing a shred of your interest.

Moffitt Library – Gensler
Moffit Library
Let’s be honest, you’re not going to Moffit to study as much as you are to spend time with your friends and catch up on holiday shopping, but on the rare occasion you are studying, it’s clear that background noise doesn’t distract you. So why not throw on your favorite pop artists and jam along, as you run into everyone you’ve ever met at Berkeley? Besides, the sweet, sweet voice of Taylor Swift is bound to distract you from the freshman sitting next to you, freaking out about their very first exams!
East Asian Library
The East Asian Library is a crown jewel of the memorial glade quad. With its massive windows and lofted ceiling, the airy space has an elevated, sophisticated feel. That’s why I find jazz the best genre to listen to here. The spontaneity of jazz keeps you on your toes, but not enough to distract you from whatever you’re working on. Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass are a personal favorite of mine, their album Whipped Cream (1965) on regular rotation. With a variety of study spaces to choose from, there’s room for diversity in your auditory repertoire. Check out East Asian jazz pianist Ryo Fukui for a traditional take, or the band Casiopea who dabble in more contemporary sounds, and let the East Asian Library inspire you to travel the world to explore different regions’ take on the genre!
Long Business Library
The Business Library is located in the depths of the Haas Business School complex and almost guaranteed to be filled with half of Berkeley Greek Life. Since it may as well be a frat party on a Friday night, try tuning into the newest Big Bootie Mix, or a little bit of Fred Again. This danceable music will keep your energy up, and the familiar songs will have you singing along as you crank out whatever essay, presentation, or project you’re struggling with.
Jean Gray Hargrove Music Library
One of the newest libraries on campus, the Music Library has a light and airy feeling that unsurprisingly matches well with orchestral music. You can even go searching through their extensive classical catalogs for something to inspire you. Ballet suites lend an air of fairytale magic to even the toughest problem sets; check out Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake for a prime example of this! Or, try searching the keyword “light academia” for playlist inspiration on Spotify and let the bright cascade of strings lift you away from the stress-filled environment of Berkeley during finals season.
Environmental Design Library
I always feel like I see the most outdoorsy people at the Environmental Design Library in Wurster Hall. Maybe it’s just the copious amounts of Nalgenes and Hydro Flasks on display, but it makes me enjoy listening to my crunchiest playlists whenever I study there. Some of my heavy rotations include the Lumineers, Caamp, and Mt. Joy. So, if you find yourself putting in many hours designing future buildings in the Environmental Design Library, try checking out some outdoorsy alternative music and pretend you’re out scaling a mountain somewhere in Colorado instead!

Osborne – UCMP
Bioscience & Natural Resources Library
Last but certainly not least, the Natural Sciences Library. If you enjoy going to study with Osborn, the T-Rex that guards the entrance, you’re probably a big fan of nature and are studying something like Biology, Environmental Science, or Ecology. So why don’t you bring a little bit of the wild world into your study session and turn on some nature sounds? Dive into the natural world as you immerse yourself in the sound of birds singing, wind blowing the leaves of trees, or a brook babbling, and pretend you’re out on a hike instead of rotting away in a library cubicle.
Thanks for reading, and I hope this article helps you lock in! Happy finals Bears and GOOD LUCK!
Article by Megan Darzynkiewicz
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