Everyone is Dirty continues their streak of eclectic grunge rock bordering on performance art with their latest album, titled Dying is Fun. It has a fairly continuous sound — each song seems to blend well with the previous track into a cathartic stream of haunting and, at times, unsettling guitar and drum-heavy melodies.
A fairly new band in the Bay Area, Everyone is Dirty formed last year on Oakland-based label Tricycle Records. Their standard drum/guitar/bass combination is augmented by lead singer Sivan Gur-Arieh’s vocals and electric violin solos, which form a good contrast with the instruments, which are chaotic and at times atonal. Her voice is a soft, eerie and unaffected eye of the storm in the midst of the passionate rage of the rest of the band.
Opening track “Dirtbag Side-Effect” pulls you right in with growling, dissonant guitars and vocals. “Meltyface” begins with a light acoustic intro but eventually devloves into the band’s classic grunge sound. “Mama, No!!!” takes a slower beat with excellent backing vocals and a far more satisfying chord progression than the other, more challenging tracks on this album.
As Gur-Arieh puts it, Dying is Fun is a “bedroom tape on bath salts.”
Everyone is Dirty is throwing a release party this Friday, September 5 at Rickshaw Stop in San Francisco. Tickets here.
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