As I walked the near vertical climb up Powell Street on my way to The Masonic, I couldn’t help but wonder what to expect from this concert. After releasing his 2023 project “Let’s Start Here.”, Lil Yachty now boasts a catalog of both hip-hop AND psychedelic rock music to perform. However, as I arrived at the venue, it quickly became apparent the night was going to be an eclectic one. Within minutes I observed a person dressed as The Joker absolutely feeling themselves to an “interesting” pre-show music mix featuring Queen, The Weeknd and Coldplay to then getting riled up and rallying the crowd to get ready for the upcoming moshpits.
In retrospect, I might have been initially biased by Lil Yachty’s reputation as a pop-rap and trap artist, but nothing could have prepared me for the sheer quality of the mesmerizing light show, the psychedelic visuals and the exceptional musicianship displayed by both Lil Yachty and his band, the Silver Sisters. So, much like his most recent album, “Let’s Start Here.” at the beginning of the concert.
At 9:30 PM on the dot, a massive projection on the stage screen burst to life, unveiling a mesmerizing array of beautifully weird psychedelic images, each accompanied by thought-provoking phrases such as “You Are Special,” “Learn To See,” and “Distort Reality.” Anticipation built over the 3 minutes this occurred as the stage filled with smoke and the Silver Sisters took the stage. As the final phrase on the screen proclaimed, “Let’s Begin,” The Silver Sisters slowly and hauntingly played their instruments.
A sea of bright screens filled the crowd as we all anticipated the climax to come soon. Suddenly, a crescendo was reached, and the band launched into “Drive ME crazy!” It was at this moment that Lil Yachty made his grand entrance, donned in a red beanie, baggy grey pants, a green shirt, and Timbaland boots. He began singing in autotune and other effects, all in front of this groovy track.
Following the song, he shouted, “What’s up San Francisco!” which sent the crowd into an uproar. Lil Yachty maintained a high level of energy, delivering tracks like “The Ride-,” “The Alchemist,” and “Say Something.” This live performance showcased a side of Lil Yachty that left me in awe. The first act of the concert concluded with Lil Yachty exiting the stage and the Silver Sisters delivering a stirring rendition of “In The Air Tonight” by Phil Collins. If you couldn’t hear the sheer talent and passion the band poured into their performance, you could certainly feel it in their interpretation of this iconic song.
Lil Yachty returned to the stage without his band but came back with a newfound surge of energy. He kicked off the next act by rapping his song “SOLO STEPPIN CRETE BOY.” as he engaged with the crowd, displaying a touch of cockiness, playfully interacting with the audience, and belting out a louder, “WHAT’S UP SAN FRANCISCOOOOOOOO.” The pit was absolutely bumping as he launched into the next set of songs, which included “Slide,” “Split/Whole Time,” “Another Late Night,” and “Yacht Club”.
I personally never heard of these songs before, but the way he performed them live was so infectious that they became immediate additions to my Spotify after the show. He then took a stroll down memory lane for many of the Gen Z and the younger Millennial crowd with tracks like “Minnesota,” “Broccoli,” and “iSpy.” Even his popular meme-worthy song “Poland” made an appearance. The rap set concluded with a slower-paced song, “One Night,” before Lil Yachty exited the stage to prepare for the final act.
Lil Yachty made his return to the stage, this time accompanied again by the Silver Sisters, as they delved back into his psychedelic project. The performance kicked off with “IVE OFFICIALLY LOST ViSiON!!!!”. It was evident that he had returned to the stage with even greater confidence, which directly translated into the crowd feeling more hyped. The concert concluded on a high note with an extended version of “REACH THE SUNSHINE,” accompanied by a mesmerizing psychedelic video of a sun engulfing the screen.
I walked into this concert as a newbie fan of Lil Yachty’s more well-known hits and of his experimentation with “Let’s Start Here.”, but I came out more appreciative of him as an artist and performer and interested in exploring his catalog of music. The concert was a seamless blend of Lil Yachty standing firm and confident in his experimentation with psychedelic music while simultaneously catering to both his long-term fans with deep cuts and newer fans with his hit singles.
Written by Harrison Peters
Photos by Joanne Shin
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